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Blinking LED

The basic idea behind the blinking LED Arduino project is to introduce beginners to programming and electronics by creating a simple circuit that controls an LED (Light Emitting Diode)

Materials Anchor


Blinking LED

To build a simple LED blinking project with an Arduino Uno, you'll need the following materials:



1) Arduino Uno - The microcontroller board you'll use to control the LED.

2) LED - Light Emitting Diode that you want to blink.

3) 220Ω Resistor - To limit the current going through the LED and prevent it from burning out.

4) Breadboard - A tool for prototyping circuits without soldering.

5) Jumper Wires - To connect the components on the breadboard to the Arduino.


6) USB Cable:
Connects the Arduino to your computer for programming and power.

Setup Anchor

Basic Setup


1) Connect the LED:

  • Insert the LED into the breadboard. The longer leg (anode) is the positive side, and the shorter leg (cathode) is the negative side.

2) Add the Resistor:

  • Connect one end of the 220Ω resistor to the anode (long leg) of the LED, and the other end to a row on the breadboard.

3) Wire the LED to Arduino:

  • Connect a jumper wire from the row on the breadboard where the resistor connects to the anode of the LED to a digital output pin on the Arduino (e.g., pin 13).


  • Connect another jumper wire from the cathode of the LED to one of the GND (ground) pins on the Arduino.


4) Power the Arduino:

  • Connect the Arduino to your computer using the USB cable. This will provide power to the Arduino and allow you to upload the code.



Code Break Down


ledPin = 13;: Assigns pin 13 to the ledPin variable.

pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);: Sets pin 13 as an output pin.

digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);: Turns the LED on.

delay(1000);: Waits for 1 second (1000 milliseconds).

digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);: Turns the LED off.

delay(1000);: Waits for another second.

This will make the LED blink on and off with a 1-second interval.

You can modify the delay values to change the blink speed.

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